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Art and Character Design


NOTICE: I have DELETED my instagram account, due to Meta's insistence on using AI training on instagram and me being unable to opt out of it. Please get mad about this.

Heya!I'm Avi, also known as Avialti, and I make art! Mostly anthros and animals, but I draw humans from time to time.I love experimenting with color and shapes, and I like to think it's one of the most distinct parts of my style.I do animate and sculpt as well, but illustration is my go-to!
Art aside, I like video games! A lot! I love Night in the Woods, Ōkami, and most Pokémon games. I will most likely buy anything pretty.
And, of course, I have to mention the inevitable. Aviatrum! Aviatrum is a story I'm developing with some help from my friends. It's INVOLVED. Its website is at the bottom of this page, if you're interested! It also has a discord server, which is accessed through the site.
Annnd this got LONG. Most of my interests can be found on my sona's reference sheet, if you're curious.
Bye for now!

My commissions are currently:


You can look at the buttons below for their info :)